The History of the Yale Dramatic Association, 1900-1995
As compiled by Ned Conklin.
All information taken from Yale Daily News (YDN) archive. YDN coverage of the Dramat was fairly comprehensive up until the mid-1970s, when it became sporadic, occasionally missing entire shows. In the 70’s YDN also dropped identification of people by class, so it usually becomes impossible to distinguish between undergraduates, graduates, and professionals. Usage of class IDs resumed in the 80’s and 90’s. Details of Commencement shows after 1980 often missing since the YDN ceased yearly publication before Commencement. Spelling of names copies News usage.
List includes all Dramat productions and all Dramat-sponsored events open to the public; does not include events open to Dramat members only. Does not include residential college productions or Playcraftsmen productions (late 1920s).
Productions/events that are not play titles are in quotes and/or parentheses. Tours listed under “Notes” are in addition to New Haven performances on the given date(s).
Notations and Abbreviations:
General: nn = student graduating in 19nn, nnS = Sheffield Scientific School student
YDS = Yale Drama School, YSM = Yale School of Music,
GDF = Graduate Drama Faculty, GDS = Graduate Drama Student, grad = graduate student,
GArt = graduate art student, GDiv = graduate divinity school student
UG = undergraduate
Production: (OM) = Original Musical
Authors: (B) = Book, (M) = Music, (L) = Lyrics
Director: (D) = Director, (Ch) = Choreographer, (M) = Musical director, (Orch) = Conductor
Staging: (S) = Sets, (C) = Costumes, (L) = Lighting, (P) = Producer, (So) = Sound
Long-term directors (four shows or more):
Frank Lea Short 1900-1913
Edgar Montillion (Monty) Woolley 1914-1927
Alexander Dean 1929-1933
Halsted Welles 1933-1938
Burton G. Shevelove 1939-1942
Robert E. Costello 1947-1948
Atwood Levensaler 1948-1950
Leo Lavandero 1950-1956
Nikos Psacharapoulos 1957-58, 1972-73
William Francisco 1958-1960
R. Leland Starnes 1960-1968
Leonard Barkan 1969-1971
Itamar Kubovy 1984-88